Unlock the answers you’ve been curious about
Adult & Child ADHD Testing
in Los Angeles
As Featured In
Do you start many projects but rarely finish them?
Are you missing assignments at school or at work?
Do you forget important details of tasks and conversations?
Do you daydream or zone out a lot?
Maybe you have gotten in trouble at work for missed assignments, or perhaps you lose track of details in conversations. You may be struggling to concentrate on your daily tasks and falling behind, or simply daydreaming or zoning out too much. Perhaps you’re feeling sad that you can’t perform as well as your peers and worried about your future.

ADHD testing could help clarify why you are struggling with attention and concentration
What Does ADHD Testing Look Like?
Attention and Concentration: Do you struggle with bouncing from task to task, or do you zone out?
Executive Functioning: How we organize our thoughts and actions and enact them
Memory and Learning: Knowing how you learn best could help you use learning methods that best suit your abilities, likely allowing you to remember more of what you want to know
Anxiety, Depression, and Other Psychological Factors: ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression share a lot of similarities, so finding out what your diagnosis really is makes treating it much easier and quicker
Gain Clarity Through Comprehensive Adult ADHD Evaluation
Take a Step Closer to Understanding Your Struggles with Finishing Tasks and Remembering Details
By getting ADHD testing, you can start the journey toward an accurate treatment plan to counteract your struggles.
Confirming your possible ADHD diagnosis can help you gain accommodations both in your workplace and on academic testing (e.g., extra time or needing a distraction-free space)
Understanding your diagnosis will help your other doctors–such as primary care and psychologists–make more accurate treatment choices for you that best set you up for success
The ADHD Testing Process: Start to Finish
Step 1: The first step is to fill out the contact page. We will then schedule a free 15-minute consultation to discuss the process and answer any questions you may have.
Step 2: Once you decide that getting tested for ADHD is for you, some forms will be sent to you to collect initial information, and you will be scheduled for testing.
Step 3: The testing day is typically a full day’s worth of testing with a lunch break. The testing takes a full day for a few reasons. First, the amount of testing that is needed to evaluate whether you have ADHD or another mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, is comprehensive. Second, the testing is supposed to mimic a work or school day, including fatigue. It is not uncommon that when people get tired, their attention or concentration troubles become greater, so it is important to see how a person functions throughout the day.
Step 4: After the testing day, a report including recommendations will be written and emailed to you typically within thirty days. You will have the option to schedule a feedback session where we will discuss the report’s findings and answer any remaining questions you may have.
FAQs for Prospective Clients
Psychological assessment is the process of participating in clinical interviews and completing tests. The purpose is to provide hopefully clarity about the issues you seek testing for and offer recommendations and next steps to help you gain control in your life.
The psychological assessment typically occurs at the Duality Psychological Services office, listed on the contact page. The office is a quiet environment where you can truly focus to the best of your ability. Certain cases require testing at another location, which can be discussed during the initial consultation.
Comprehensive Adult ADHD testing typically costs $5,000.00, but this may vary due to many factors. Some reasons the price may change are depending on what the testing is needed for, how quickly the results are needed, the number of records that need to be reviewed, if testing is part of a legal case, if interpreters are needed, and/or if there is a need to travel to a location other than the Duality office. To better estimate the cost, please fill out our contact form for a free 15-minute consultation.
Yes! We can deliver an expedited report or summary quicker than the typical 30-day delivery timeframe for an additional fee. Fill out the contact page for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your needs and timeframe.
We do not currently take insurance for a few reasons. Psychological assessments are such specialized activities that many times require more work and time than insurance companies are willing to offer. By not taking insurance, we can truly use our education, training, and expertise to provide you with as complete of service as possible to help you get the answers you seek.
What we can do is provide documentation of the testing services that you can submit to your insurance upon request. Some insurance companies will offer partial or full reimbursement, so it is helpful to check with them.
Fill out the contact page for a free 15-minute consultation! During the consultation, we will talk about your interest in ADHD testing and discuss what the next steps would be. Any questions you have will also be answered during the phone call.
FAQs for Providers, Hospitals, and Organizations
Understanding the patient’s diagnosis is imperative for treatment planning. By establishing your patient’s diagnosis, you can spend less time ruling out other psychological and neuropsychological conditions and focus your efforts on the patient’s true concerns. IT SAVES YOU AND YOUR PATIENTS TIME AND EFFORT!
We do not currently offer therapy services for Adult ADHD, but we will provide you with a list of qualified individuals who perform therapy.
Our typical turnaround for delivering reports after finishing testing is about 30 days. We can often offer testing summaries and phone consultations about the case more quickly, but the timeline for delivery of the full comprehensive testing report is about 30 days. Expedited results can be arranged for an additional fee.
Yes! When contracted with another hospital, organization, or professional, we do our best to meet the needs of the referring person or organization. Also, depending on the established volume and frequency of referrals, our rates per ADHD evaluation can be negotiated. For more information, please reach out via our contact page.
We offer a wide range of additional assessments, such as:
Diagnostic Clarification: Are you unsure of your or your patient’s diagnosis? Are you designing a treatment plan and want to be sure of the diagnosis to best target your patient’s struggles? Let us help you provide some clarity through a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation.
Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion (Neuropsychological Testing): Were you in an accident, or are you a lawyer looking for someone to evaluate your client for cognitive changes? We conduct forensic neuropsychological evaluations for both personal uses as a strength and weakness profile to see where you are at and for answering psycholegal questions about if an injury resulted in cognitive changes.
Dementia, Parkinson’s, and other Aging-Related Evaluations: Are you worried about your or your loved one’s memory? Have you hands begun to shake? Have you noticed “changes” in your or your loved one’s abilities and behavior as they have gotten older? Do you want to know if these changes are normal aging or something more such as dementia or another progressive age-related disease? Let us help you understand more so you can begin focusing treatment on what will be best for your future.
Does none of the above options sound like you, but you want to learn more about psychological testing and if it would be appropriate for your concerns? Fill out our contact page, and we can set up a free 15-minute consultation to talk.